CRAVE LP - from us, to you, with love.

We've been waiting for this for so long, and it's finally here: the whole package. Our Debut LP CRAVE is the story of a girl. She's you, and she's me. She knows what she wants - she's craving passion and adventure, lust and love. She thinks that's the medicine she needs to know herself. But what if she's wrong. She's going to take you on a journey over this album, and you'll find the darkness before you find the light. 

What she finds at the end of her journey is what she's been hoping to find all along. What she's been craving isn't what she thought. What she's really craving is loving herself. Finding herself. Self-acceptance - and when she finds it, nothing's going to hold her back.

To stream the full album, click the link Here to see our official release with Ride The Tempo and for links to both our music videos click Here. We're coming for you world - ain't nothing going to stop us now.